News & Events


Needs List – May Update

Thank you to everyone who helped fill a need from our list last month! This month, we have a few needs arising in the areas of physical activity, kids supplies and kitchen items.

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Needs List – March Update

Recently we had a local organization donate over 100 towels to our centre, letting us recycle old towels and pass out new ones to our residents! We also have plenty to set aside for our new centre. This month, we’re in need of comforters, old DVD players, basic coffee makers, and baby gates.… Read More


Introducing Juli

My name is Juli Holland, and I’m the Community Relations Assistant at Adeara. I have an extensive professional background in events and have always had a heart for people, which has proven to be a good combination. I’m so excited for all that God has planned through Adeara and that I get to be a part of it.… Read More


Leap of Faith 2022 Registration Open!

Are you brave enough to take the Leap? We’re seeking our next group of courageous jumpers ready for the challenge of raising support for women in addiction recovery… and jumping from 10,000 feet doing it! (A small detail.) If you’re up to the challenge, register TODAY at Read More

Needs List – February Update

This month, we’re seeing a need to update the suites with more comfortable bedding through new mattresses and sheets as well as replacing mattress protectors. Our new residents are also in need of more menstrual products and new underwear.… Read More


Your Impact in 2021

Thank you. With your help this year, we saw women find true freedom from addiction. Despite an increased demand for recovery services and a decreased capacity to serve, Adeara was able to adapt because of your support. … Read More

Michelle’s Story

I doubted that I could ever be sober this long. I doubted I would see my son unsupervised, and even though I didn’t have a bunch of money or these giant outings planned with him I was able to laugh, smile and have the most fun because I was sober and really in the moment.… Read More

Kristin’s Story

While in recovery these past 22 months I’ve been able to overcome the loud voice in my head that shouts I’m just a junkie and won’t amount to much. I’ve also battled with feelings of inadequacy for being a mom and didn’t believe it was possible to achieve financial security for my son’s future.… Read More

Kristen’s Story

Some of the doubts I’ve had to overcome in my recovery include not feeling like I’m good enough, feeling like I’m a bad mom, and not feeling worthy of good things. In my addiction I allowed the guys I was in relationship with to make all my choices and decide everything for me. … Read More

woman walking with daughter

A Record-Breaking Giving Tuesday

We have said it before. We will say it again. The Adeara community is the best community. You matched, you gave, and you shared. With your support, we raised over $62,000 on Giving Tuesday!… Read More