Jenna’s Story

December 13, 2023

At the age of 23, Jenna* found herself in an abusive relationship that cost her everything – her home, her job, her car, her mental health, and finally, her daughter. With her family living across the country, Jenna lacked support and security. She was truly alone.  

Having lost all hope and suffering from the trauma of her circumstances, Jenna struggled to survive, both physically and mentally.  

“I spent the summers walking aimlessly in the sun and heat for days on end. I would sneak into people’s yards to drink from their water hoses. I would hide in public washrooms for a break from the sun and heat. I would eventually fall asleep in a park and wake sunburnt. Often, I would get heat stroke and wouldn’t even know where I was. 

In the winter, I would desperately look for any place for shelter, like a shed or a porta-potty; any place to rest my head and sleep after being awake for a week or more. I would run from the cops in minus forty-degree weather for so long that I would be exhausted and sweating. It felt good to lay in the snow, but if I stayed too long, I knew I would fall asleep and freeze to death. I absolutely hated my life. I hated myself and every second I begged for death.” 

Jenna eventually found herself in a jail cell, weighing only 80 pounds and newly pregnant. As her due date approached, she feared she would give birth while in prison and be forced to give up her baby. 

But after months of waiting and praying, she found Adeara.  

“I was so grateful for every little thing at Adeara. I had a warm, safe place and a comfortable bed to rest. Being checked on throughout the night gave me the comfort I never thought I needed. Everyone was welcoming and kind. I had healthy meals and exercised. I thrived at Adeara. My motivation to heal grew. I found hope. I became confident. Adeara became a home to me and the people there, my family. 

Adeara’s support and provision of a home allowed Jenna to establish a safe and nurturing environment for her own children whom she has been reunited with. Today, Jenna has a full-time job, a car, and a home of her own.

There are more women, like Jenna, who are desperate for a home. 

At Adeara, it costs $250 per day for a woman to have safe housing, 24/7 care, counselling, life skills and parenting support, work experience opportunities, and access to a loving community. 

Your generous gift today can help ensure the most vulnerable women and children have a safe place to call home as they heal and walk out of addiction and into a life of recovery.  

Learn more about how your support impacts Adeara.

Watch Jenna share some of her own story here. >>>

*we’ve used a pseudonym to protect this resident’s privacy.