Not Quitting When the Road Gets Tough

May 16, 2024

At one of our recent monthly celebrations, a resident shared that she was commemorating that she had not left the program and remained committed to her recovery for another month.

Staying committed to a recovery program demands remarkable resilience. It’s not just about overcoming obstacles; it’s about facing them daily, sometimes hourly, with unwavering perseverance.

Recall the last time you faced loss or change—what did you turn to for relief? And when you endeavoured to break a habit or embrace a new lifestyle, did you encounter resistance and setbacks? It might have felt like everything was conspiring against your efforts for change.

Each moment of resistance overcome, each setback navigated, is a testament to the strength of the women who make the brave decision every day to walk in recovery. It’s a journey of self-discovery, where every step forward, no matter how small, is a triumph of the human will.

Thank you for your faithful commitment to supporting these women. For our residents, knowing there are individuals who believe in them, pray for them, and provide financial support to make a way for their healing, means more than you know.

Adeara Updates

In less than one month, we will be teeing off at our first golf tournament at The Ranch Golf & Country Club. You can expect to enjoy a grab-and-go breakfast before 8 AM, sponsored by an anonymous donor. A chance to win $10,000 at the Hole in One, sponsored by Martin Deerline! Following the game, enjoy a delicious steak banquet meal, graciously provided by our sponsor World Financial Group. Plus, you will be able to purchase tickets for the “Sam’s Iron Craft Ltd. 50/50” draw – a chance to contribute to a wonderful cause in a thrilling way! Learn more here >>>

Community Spotlight

Thank you to the incredible local businesses who have partnered with Adeara this month.
El Mero Mero – every time you dine at this delicious Mexican family-owned restaurant during May, a portion of your purchase will directly go to Adeara.
Square 1 Cafe – for the entire month of May, for every bag of “Legend” roast coffee sold, a portion of all sales will go directly to helping women at Adeara.
Knots & Crafts Yeg – from now until June, 40% of all sales will go directly to Adeara. Purchase items via Instagram or email.

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