Honouring Bruno Buchstein, Adeara Founder

August 5, 2021

Today we would like to honour Bruno Buchstein, one of Adeara’s founders, who has recently passed away. Bruno was a man of faith who lived out his love for the Lord in very practical ways. In 1998, Bruno and Harry Baur saw a need in our city for women in crisis and founded the Edmonton Dream Centre with their wives, Ellen Baur and Hertha Buchstein. Twenty-three years and one name change later, Adeara has served over 650 women and many children who have faced addiction, trauma and abuse.

In Bruno’s words, “I knew God had a plan, and we just did the best we could and put all of our trust in Him.”

Bruno will be missed by many, and his legacy will live on as we continue to steward Adeara in the manner it was intended. Though many more at Adeara will never meet him, they will experience the care and the community that he and others started. We pass on our love and prayers for the Buchstein family during this difficult time.

Pictured from left to right: Bruno & Hertha Buchstein, Ellen & Harry Baur.