Archway Spring 2020

April 22, 2020

the forwardStrength and Dignity

Every year on March 8th, we celebrate the achievements of women around the globe, socially, economically and politically, through a movement called International Women’s Day. While there are many women achieving greatness throughout our country, I am in greatest awe of what the residents of Adeara are achieving: they are changing their families and communities by changing their own lives.

Often, people assume that when women come into Adeara, they are weak and frail. I see a completely different side of them: I see strength that pushes aside fear and uncertainty. The fact that women continue to come through our doors shows that, even though they are in the depths of their addiction, they don’t want to give up. They want to live – and they are courageous enough to ask for help.

Strength is what gets them through the door. Dignity is what follows. Many come in with low self-esteem, a sense of worthlessness and so much rejection. Strength and Dignity the forward Walking into Adeara, they soon discover that they belong. They are loved unconditionally. Their value and worth are restored and their confidence returns. While the journey to recovery is long and difficult, these women have what it takes, and we’ll walk with them the entire way.