I am Worthy of a Life of Joy

August 14, 2024

The following is a letter written by a current client in Adeara’s program, addressed to herself during her recovery journey. It’s in moments of reflection that we truly grasp the distance we’ve travelled. While the path to recovery is never straightforward, there are instances—like the one you’re about to read—that capture the reality of the process and offer hope that recovery is not only possible but is happening, one life at a time.

Dear Becca*,   

This is a letter of appreciation for you to recognize and acknowledge everything you have done and will continue to do to better your life for you and your daughter.

Well, firstly, congratulations on 9 months, a new record for you. You’re reunited with your daughter, you’ve quit smoking and vaping, found your faith and are rediscovering who you are. It’s easy to forget that the battle with addiction is a daily fight and every day you’re proving just how much you’ve grown in recovery.

I’ve learned to always be on alert, cause the enemy is waiting to eagerly to take me back down. That won’t be easy, as I’m learning to open up to others about my weaknesses, be honest with others and myself, lower my defences, be honest, prioritize self-care, help others and most importantly pray for guidance and wisdom from God.

I’m able to trust that there’s a place for my life and I’m deserving of that life. I’m learning to express myself, set boundaries, maintain a schedule, handle conflict with integrity and trust in the Lord which is miles away from the hopeless state my life was in before this journey. These things are irreplaceable and I don’t give myself enough credit for putting in the work and committing to it day after day.

I’m learning how to be a healthy supportive and sober mother on top of it all and that alone is worth every struggle, every negative thought or old coping skill I have to fight. I appreciate you and all the effort you make to stay one step ahead of addiction. I love you and thank you for finally realizing you’re worthy of a life of joy, faith, love and hope.

– Becca*

As we can’t always show you the women in recovery at Adeara for the sake of their privacy and safety, we hope you appreciate this glimpse into the life of a client who is navigating the real struggles of addiction recovery today and seeing progress in the midst of it.

It’s because of your support that Becca* is finding hope and healing for herself and her daughter at Adeara. If you are not already part of our monthly donor community, would you consider joining it today? Whether it’s $5 or $50 a month, your dedicated support is what makes change possible at Adeara. Join our monthly donor community today >>

*We’ve used a pseudonym to protect this resident’s privacy.