Leaving a Legacy

May 18, 2023

Your legacy matters, and you can start building it today.

Do you share in Adeara’s mission to empower and equip women to live in sustainable recovery through long-term faith-based programming, counselling and life skills support? You can help future generations experience freedom through a life of recovery today through legacy giving.

A legacy gift is a gift to a non-profit organization in your will. No matter your net worth, you can leave a gift to a non-profit. Not only will your gift tremendously impact future generations, but the Canadian government has created valuable tax incentives to encourage Canadians to leave legacy gifts.

It is common to suspect that giving a legacy gift will mean there is less to give family members after one’s passing. However, the truth is “when you leave a legacy gift, your estate receives a tax receipt for the gift’s full value, which adds a tax credit to your final income tax return. This can help to maximize the value of your residual estate for your beneficiaries” (source).

You are never too young to think about the kind of legacy you want to leave. To learn what it could look like for you to leave a legacy gift for Adeara, we encourage you to talk with a legal professional and learn more here.