Bobbi’s Story

March 20, 2021

Hello. My name is Bobbi, and I am a resident at Adeara Recovery Centre. I’m a mother of two beautiful little girls, and I’ve been at Adeara for nine months. So far in my experience at Adeara, I have received the tools for building a stronger and healthier relationship with my daughters. By participating in the parenting program, “Boundaries with Kids”, I’ve been able to learn parenting skills that have supported my desire to raise my children in alignment with my best hopes for their successful futures.

I’ve learned that my recovery is the full acceptance of myself as I am. I now believe I can change, and I understand how—and have the ability—to implement boundaries. This is something that I did not have in my toolbox when I got here. I’m able to put boundaries in place and have a healthier relationship with family and friends. I’ve also had the opportunity to learn about the dynamics of co-dependency: I’ve learned about taking responsibility for myself and how to relinquish the desire to control others and to make them fit into my own ideas of them. I now understand the dangers of being dependant on people in an unhealthy way. I have also developed skills in the area of my emotional processing. I can identify and modify my irrational belief patterns about myself, others, and my environment. I’ve learned how to deal with my grief, guilt, and shame by using the REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Thinking) method. Adeara has made a significant impact on my journey to recovery, and I will be forever thankful for this.

Bobbi, Adeara Resident