Join our Heroes of Hope
When you choose to give monthly, you become a Hero of Hope. That means that your donation becomes part of a reliable lifeline that our residents and our team can rely on every month.
“But for the Grace of God, I could be one of the ladies needing help. We who think we don’t count with our small giving must keep in mind that with God all things are possible. Come on people, let’s get together and help this great organization go forward with God’s plan to restore lives in Jesus’ name.”
– Connie, Hero of Hope since 2019
“We give because of the direct effect that it has on real lives. We give because we have been blessed. We give because we see the difference it makes. We give because the money has a bigger impact at Adeara than it could in our own lives.”
– Anonymous, Hero of Hope since 2018
“I’m dedicated to monthly giving because I know how much non-profits count on that consistency. I want to help Adeara run its operations well so they can run their programs well too. At the end of the day, monthly giving is about showing love and care to other women, and that fills my heart to the brim.”
– Hannah, Hero of Hope since 2022
Jen & Andrew's Story
As a child, Jen experienced the effects of alcoholism in the home. She witnessed the violence, trauma, and emotional abuse that came alongside addiction. Through the compassion of people in her community, Jen was able to find hope and healing.
Today, as monthly contributors to Adeara, Jen and her husband Andrew pass that hope forward. Watch their story.
How Your Support Makes a Difference
Substance abuse and addiction are common in Alberta, and they are destroying lives. The need for help continues to grow. Learn more about the state of addiction and recovery in Alberta and Canada.
Stops Drug-Related Deaths
Investing in recovery programs helps get people in addiction out of crisis and into care. Without intervention, the road of addiction leads to death.
In 2020, Alberta saw a stark increase in opioid-related deaths. “Record levels not previously seen” correlated with a “decrease in the utilization of treatment and harm reduction services” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source)
Each year, the number of fentanyl-related deaths rises: “Almost all opioid-poisoning deaths are now related to fentanyl. In the second quarter of 2020, 94 per cent of all opioid-poisoning deaths were related to fentanyl.” (Source)
“In 2020, on average, 207 individuals in Alberta died from an apparent unintentional drug poisoning death related to fentanyl per quarter, while in 2019, on average, 130 individuals died from an apparent unintentional drug poisoning death related to fentanyl per quarter.“ (Source)
“Both Canada and the United States have been experiencing increasing rates of opioid related harms in recent years, with overdose or poisoning deaths reaching staggering numbers.” (Source, 2019)
“Between 2013 and 2017, the age-adjusted rate of ED visits due to opioid poisoning increased in Ontario by 144 per cent and in Alberta by 165 per cent.” (Source)
“On average, just under two individuals die every day in Alberta as a result of an apparent accidental overdose poisoning.” (Source)
Reduces Cost to Communities
Investing into addiction recovery programs like Adeara helps our community save costs associated with addiction.
For every $1 invested into an addiction treatment program, the community saves $4-7 in drug-related crime, criminal justice and theft costs (National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA).
In Alberta, that amount was estimated to be as high as $12 saved for every dollar invested (Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Jason Luan, 2020).
It cost $267 per day last year to support one woman at Adeara. It costs $479-685 per day for a woman to be institutionalized (Elizabeth Fry Society).
“In 2017, the estimated overall cost of substance use in Canada was $46 billion. That amounts to $1,258 for every Canadian.” (Source)
“The most recent comprehensive cost study estimated the total cost of alcohol-related harm to Canadians to be $14.6 billion in 2014.
- $5.9 billion in lost productivity due to disability and premature death
- $4.2 billion for healthcare costs
- $3.2 billion for criminal justice costs
- $1.3 billion for other direct costs due to property damage, workplace programs, and research and prevention” (Source)
Reduce Barriers for Women
Many of the women who find support at Adeara have not experienced the same level of care in their lives outside of Adeara. Most, if not all, have faced barriers many of us are lucky to never have experienced.
Through Adeara, women find healing for trauma, receive volunteer experience to prepare them for work, are able to apply for continued schooling, and more.
In 2022, we surveyed our residents to see what barriers they had faced prior to treatment at Adeara. Of the 6 women surveyed,
- 17% had faced education or literacy barriers
- 33% had experienced employment barriers or lack of job skills.
- 50% had experienced food insecurity
- 67% had experienced housing insecurity or homelessness
- 83% had experienced poverty
- 100% had experienced a form of abuse, such as violence or emotional abuse
- 100% had experienced trauma during their lifetime
- 50% had experienced trauma within the past year
- 50% had faced mental health issues
- 67% had experienced incarceration
Create Long-Term Change
Short-term recovery and long-term recovery programs each have a role in addiction recovery. Short-term recovery and detoxification programs can help take the individual out of crisis and into a place of recovery. Long-term recovery is where long-term change takes place. At Adeara, long-term recovery is our focus.
“In Canada, it is highly recommended that withdrawal management (detoxification) only be provided with immediate transition to long-term addiction treatment, as not doing so can increase relapse rates, morbidity and death.” (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction)
“Research indicates that most addicted individuals need at least 3 months in treatment to significantly reduce or stop their drug use and that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment.” (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
“True recovery requires most of the body’s key functioning systems to get healthy again; this does not just happen spontaneously, and it is virtually impossible to achieve physical recovery as a result of a stay in a short-term treatment setting.” (John Palmer, Director of Operations, Turnbridge Addiction Treatment)
Increase Accessibility
Unfortunately, for every woman accepted to Adeara’s program last year, there were four more waiting their turn. Your support helps us focus on growing our capacity.
Adeara received 92 eligible applications to our program during the fiscal year last year. Of those women, most waited an average of 72 days on the wait list before being accepted or, in most cases, removed from the waitlist due to individual circumstances. On average, Adeara had 39 women on our waitlist monthly.
“People living with an opioid use disorder in Canada should have access to comprehensive treatment options that meet all their needs.” (Source)
Create Long-term Change for $35 per Month
The true heroes in this house are the women who make the choice every day to change their lives and the future lives of their children. By joining the Heroes of Hope, you walk alongside them in their journey, providing the tools they need to succeed.
Your Impact
Your donation has a real impact.
- Last fiscal year, Adeara received 92 applications and had an average of 39 women on the wait list monthly.
- Most women Adeara serves are between the ages of 25-34 years old, many with young children.
- In 2021-2022, 82% of residents reported an addiction to crystal meth, 36% to GHB, and 32% to alcohol.
- Of 9 residents surveyed in summer 2022, 100% said they had a better understanding of their addiction, felt physically healthier, and had made progress on their treatment goals.
Ways to Give
Give whichever way makes you feel most comfortable, whether that’s online, by cheque through the mail (Box 68169, 162 Bonnie Doon Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4N6), or by phone. Please note that calls can only be received during weekday business hours.